humans hold an extraordinary amount of imprints. your mind-body matter is highly impressionable which we (the mushrooms) believe is a sign of your ability to receive an immense amount of information & be transformed by it
the imprints matter. how humans come in contact with one another matters. this is the heart of interconnected mutuality
the human fruiting body is designed to feel. the human relational body is designed to say “ouch that hurt!” and when these distress signals go out into your web & remain unanswered, this offers humans information about the vitality of your environment
every human is made up of the interactions they have had with the world around them. which includes the systems that are acting upon you. the more pressure is applied by a corrupt state, the more information the human body stores about the danger of living in that system
consider if, over time, the human mind-body transformed to respond to this truth with relational repair & interspecies support. consider if, over time, the human mind-body identified corrupt systems & responded with relational reaching. consider if, over time, the human mind-body isolated the root of harm & tended to the impressions it left with tenderness. consider if, over time, the human mind-body became more tender, more ripe, more sensitive so that the signals stop going unanswered
destruction happens in the wild – how you respond matters. this is how humans create a sense of trust with the ecosystem they reside in. consider that your most sustainable relational connections are the ones that you are available to respond to
having a system of repair happens at the level of interpersonal interaction. when you respond to one another’s “ouch!” with curiosity, repair is the pathway rather than the finish line. repair becomes a way of being rather than an attempt to “fix” or “heal” one another. humans who are responsive are humans who evolve beyond the wound
when humans are unable to respond, we have more information about the vitality of the environment. capitalism depends on your exhaustion, your under-resourcing, your disconnection to keep wounds open. when wounds stay open & untended to, survival responses are the norm (more fighting, more freezing = more wounds)
respond to the ouch. trust follows the response
to receive personalized insight & embodied guidance, book a terrestrial transmission reading HERE
for in-depth on-going support, join me for ecological embodiment
registration for our spring session opens on february 17th