human bodies are sending chemical signals to one another right now! (a nik note : this is the first time the mushrooms have wanted me to convey excitement & the exclamation point is important to them haha)
while our (the mushrooms’) signals are being sent & received through the soil, you are sending signals through the air of time & space. for humans, as intimacy (physical, emotional, energetic closeness) increases, your receptivity to those signals does as well
interference in your communication channels can sometimes show up as static – a type of energetic blockage that builds up over time when your attention & focus is continuously diverted away from the network of connection. the network of connection needs a good clearing
clearing the network of connection supports the overall web of life. we (the mushrooms) are often working over time to purify the soil, air & water from environmental contaminants. and we notice how that congestion also lives in your brain-bodies & relational hyphae (the threads that connect you). capitalism also works over time to distract & divert your attention away from the relational web
returning to the web happens organically as you tend to your communication channels. humans are often focusing on verbal expression. and also you can experiment with learning one another through chemical (energetic & emotional) signals as well. many of you are already picking up on these signals but are struggling to engage your digestion/integration muscles once the information lands in your field of awareness
your “listening” organs extend beyond your ears and include (but are not limited to) your nose, skin, taste buds, heart, gut & cilia. listening organs receive information regularly & would like to be interacted with intentionally. you can learn a lot from your dog friends about hyper olfactory sensing!
when you are dissuaded from first listening to your own body, communicating with other humans becomes exponentially more difficult. you are a miraculous & gifted being. you are expansive & capable of many astounding feats. you are supported by a breathing ecosystem that deeply desires to sustain your life force
we love you
to receive personalized insight & embodied guidance, book a terrestrial transmission reading HERE
for in-depth on-going support, join me for ecological embodiment
registration for our spring session opens on february 17th