the most accessible ways for unhooking from capitalism are rarely the most flashy & attention-grabbing. the most accessible practices are often slow, clunky & vulnerable. vulnerable because they require honesty about your needs in ways that capitalism has never cared about
when humans return to their nature, they are being honest about their limits & what they notice & how life *feels*. when you exist in spaces infiltrated by capitalism (school, work, your family systems, your own mind) you’re operating in dynamics that do not make space for inefficiency & experimentation
taking an hour (or three) to process a feeling is disruptive work. when we (mushrooms) encourage disruption, this is also what we mean. disrupt the plan of productivity to feel
the sensing body is immensely powerful. and the communication happening *inside* of your body right now is very similar to the way the mycelial network sends & receives messages. a communicating body of any type is powerful because communication creates awareness and awareness allows for response and response creates agency and agency is how you build/create
when you return to communication this is another type of disruption. communication between parts & places & people disrupts the progression of capitalism because profit exploitation relies on the compartmentalization of the machine. the mycelial network is so vast & far-reaching because we listen to the signals being sent through the soil & then reach for the places those signals come from
when you reach for each other, capitalism becomes less efficient. when you reach for each other, work must slow down. when you reach for each other, feedback mechanisms matter. and when feedback mechanisms matter, you value & prioritize change, adaptation & transformation
the most accessible ways for unhooking from capitalism focus on identifying resources which includes reconceptualizing what is *actually* resourceful to your living, feeling, sensing body beyond profit constructs. unhooking from capitalism looks a lot like tending to your life force as the most precious thing available to you. and then recognizing that your life force is connected to a larger living web that capitalism is also attempting to exploit
you are a being that eats, that drinks, that feels, that creates, that dreams, that emotes, that rests, that holds hands & cuddles & cries. you are a being that experiences awe & wonder. reclaim your being
to receive personalized insight & embodied guidance, book a terrestrial transmission reading HERE
for in-depth on-going support, join me for ecological embodiment
registration for our spring session opens on february 17th