hand-written tarot reading


a channeled hand-written reading with insight, guidance & support for the current energy in your life

option A : three card pull
option B : five card pull plus embodied invitations

SKU: N/A Category:


hand-written tarot readings are delivered via snail mail and will include a tarot pull & channeled message to illuminate patterns, themes & energetic insights for your life

if you purchase option B, you will also receive invitations for embodiment as a support for integrating your messages into the fabric of your daily life

please include your area of inquiry (e.g. home, relationships, creative endeavors, etc.)
in the “notes” section at check-out
(if left blank, you will receive a general reading)

*delivered to your mailbox within 21-24 days after purchase
(please double check that your mailing address is updated at check-out)


my approach to sharing intuitive tarot is rooted in self-exploration
& communication with Universal messages.
I am not a predictive reader
(and therefore cannot tell you your future).
however, I believe signs & symbols are constantly swirling around us,
and by tuning in to these messages & connections –
we can unfold deeper into our subconscious.
in this way, intuitive tarot can also offer us the opportunity
to explore themes around shadow work & blockages
in order to birth new perspectives for transformation

Additional information


option A $88, option B $133