the lighthouse


a tarot support group for liminal times

this offering is shared via a sliding scale exchange that is rooted in wealth re-distribution

this exchange honors the truth that we are operating within multiple systems of oppression that disproportionately impact folks of various marginalized identities.  a sliding scale acknowledges that our access to financial capital varies as a result

my hope is that folks use the honor system, wherein those with greater access to available funds & resources offer accordingly so that those with limited access are sustained through collective support

please select the payment option that is best suited to your current budget

SKU: N/A Category:


NEXT MEET-UP : Thursday, April 25th from 12-1p ET via zoom
**an email will be sent out 24-48 hours before our scheduled meeting time.  that email will include a link to our zoom hang-out**


“the lighthouse” is a tarot support group for folks who are navigating the in-between times & seeking a container to be held inside of as they do.  as we face change, disruption & on-going transformation in our collective landscape, our inner worlds are also experiencing fluctuation & uncertainty.  this is a space to be seen in that reality & receive companionship as we journey alongside one another.

I will open up the space with a card pull & channeled collective message in order to illuminate emerging pathways of engagement.  afterwards, there will be the invitation for folks to share about their personal experiences & impressions of what the cards stirred up for them.

it’s important to note that solutions & answers will not be the focus of our time.  instead we will be prioritizing re-connection to our inner knowingness & the trust that is built relationally by witnessing one another exactly where we are.

if you have your own tarot deck, feel free to bring that to our gathering.  if you do not have a deck, that’s OK too.

BEFORE PURCHASING :  please note that due to the limited number of spots in each virtual meet-up, purchases are non-refundable


Additional information

sliding scale options

base ($15), slide up ($20), slide down ($10)